Monday, April 16, 2007

Eulogy for Krishna premavati.

His Grace Ravindra-svarupa das, Krishna premavati's spiritual master, sent this eulogy to be read at her funeral, which took place in Dublin earlier this afternoon. It very nicely sums up KPV's personality, which we are all going to miss.

I am much saddened by the passing away of Krishna Premavati. I did not expect it to come so soon; I had hoped that somehow I would get a chance to see her at least one more time. My wife Saudamani had been planning to fly to Ireland this week.

I always looked forward with pleasure to being with Krishna Premavati: I found her to be an exceptional interesting and remarkable devotee. She had come to Krishna consciousness late in her life, and I was impressed by how completely she committed herself to the process. She was already a person of notable achievements. She knew how to pursue a project with great resolve,and she applied a sharp and inquisitive mind to the task. As she studied Krishna consciousness, she would write down her doubts and her questions, and then bring them to me for discussions and resolution- sometimes long discussions.

She had a deep attachment to the Deities at the Belfast temple and to the temple itself. She had strong convictions and a strong sense of right and wrong. I understood that she on occasion stepped on toes in her desire to see that things were done correctly as she saw it, but in any case her motive was always a determination to see that Krishna was served nicely. Those who knew her heart saw that she did everything out of love for Krishna and Prabhupada.

She was generous and a loyal friend to devotees. And she always dressed with care and a simple elegance that was a testimony to her concern to always represent Krishna nicely.

Even though she had been separated from her husband Monty, out of gratitude for his introducing her to Krishna consciousness, she gave him dedicated care during his long illness with Alzheimer's disease, often expressing her concern to keep him in contact, someway or another, with Krishna. Somehow she persistently accomplished this with prasadam and the Holy Name.

Krishna Premavati had wanted to go to Vrindaban to leave her body, but circumstance did not permit it. No matter: she left this world with the care, comfort, and association of devotees, and her future is very bright indeed.

I want to express my gratitude to the devotees in Ireland who have shown so much concern for her and who have cared for her. I am everlasting indebted to you. You manifest the mercy of Krishna.

The manifestation of such devotional association in this world gives full assurance of Srila Prabhuapda's statement that we are eternal associates. In that case, for now we shall feel the absence of Krishna Premavati, but we may look forward in confidence to our eventual reunion at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.

May Lord Krishna give all blessing to Krishna Premavati-devi dasi. All glories to Krishna Premavati! All glories to the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord!

Ravindra Svarupa dasa

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