Saturday, November 10, 2007

Govardhana Hill.

"O Govardhana, like an umbrella, you rested upon the hand of your Lord Krishna, for seven days, to curb the pride of Indra, king of the demigods. O vast hill of large rocks, so dear to me, kindly allow me to reside close to you.

O Govardhana, you are the tilak on the forehead of Vraja-dhama and are described as the best of Lord Krishna's servants, by the nectarine words emanating from Sri Radhika's moon-like mouth. Kindly allow me to reside close to you." - Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami.

These photos of Govardhana Hill are by a talented Croatian photographer who has a whole gallery of Govardhana pictures here.

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