Sunday, September 03, 2006

Radhastami Nectar.

Radharani offers blessings on Her birthday.

The evening before the festival, Sandra, Nina, Deva, Karen, Cecilia and Tsvety came to help Syama with the garlands and the flower outfit. The company was good and stimulating. Sometimes we sang -eager to find new, nice melodies that could go with the Hare Krishna mantra. So the celebration started the night before!

On the actual day we started with warm-up bhajans (devotional songs) led by Syama. After that Mayeshvara gave a good lecture about love. It's main point, as far as I understood it was that love can only be pure, when directed towards Lord Kirshna, whereas mundane love is the perveted reflection of it, manifested in the material world as lust. The whole lecture was very inspiring and instructive as Mayeshvara explained how Radharani is the topmost example of perfect loving relationship with Krishna.

Many people came for the kirtan- including little Dana Nitai (Japa’s daughter). There were also two or three other children and it became a sweet and really joyous experience. I even got the impression that Krishna and Radha were smiling!

By The Temple Reporter.

Photos: Lal-krishna and Shyama.

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