Friday, December 01, 2006

The Glorious Gita!

As today is Gita-jayanti, the day on which Krishna spoke Bhagavad-Gita over 5,000 years ago, you might like to read about the Gita on our temple website.

There are articles and information on Bhagavad-Gita here:

It's also the custom to read some Bhagavad-Gita verses today and meditate on them. You can read the Gita online here: Belfast devotees have sent us their favourite verses and a few sentences about why they like them - you can find them below.

And just for a bit of transcendental fun - try our Bhagavad-Gita quiz! Send your answers to and the first three correct answers pulled out of a hat, will receive a delicious gift from the temple! Competition closes on Friday 8th December at 6.00 p.m. (There's no need to rewrite the questions - just put your answer beside the question number).

Gita-jayanti Quiz.

1. To whom did Krishna speak Bhagavad-Gita?
2. What does 'Bhagavad-Gita' mean in English?
3. In what language is Bhagavad-Gita written?
4. What is the name of Krishna's conch-shell, which he sounded on the battlefield? (Chapter One).
5. To what does Krishna compare our material bodies in B-G 2.22?
6. What does Krishna promise us if we "surrender unto Him"? (18.66)
7. To what feature of weather does Arjuna compare the mind? (6.34)
8. For His loving devotees, Krishna destroys the darkness born of ignorance - what does He use to do this? (10.11).


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ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

Did Krishna speak? Or the priests speak? Historians view that Bhagavata Krishna and Maha Bharata Krishna were different and that there were insertions in Mahabharata.

Anonymous said...

pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just found this forum via google. Glad to fasten you. I came here to learn your cant . thanks all.